The Trustees of the Morristown Green

36 Colles Ave. Morristown NJ

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Listing Overview

Welcome to the historic Green, the 2.62-acre verdant oasis in the heart of Morristown!

As President of the Trustees of Morristown Green, I am passionate about Morristown and its history. I believe preserving local history gives a community its unique character and adds to its quality of life. Please take a few minutes to stroll around the Green and study the new interpretative signs that the NJ Department of State underwrote, Division of Travel and Tourism, through a grant submitted by the Morris County Tourism Bureau; you’ll be amazed at what you discover.


Over the centuries, the Green has played a consequential role in Morristown’s rich history, having once served as a pasture for livestock. The Green was the site of the county’s first courthouse, pillory, and jail, where Tories and Hessian soldiers were incarcerated. During the Revolutionary War, citizens met on the Green to discuss their grievances with the British. General Washington spent his first winter in town in 1777 at his headquarters, Arnold’s Tavern, overlooking the Green, where he met with his aide-de-camp Alexander Hamilton.

36 Colles Ave. Morristown NJ
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