Morristown, NJ: The Morristown Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is hosting this ceremony; the public is invited to attend and participate in this patriotic event over the
Memorial Day weekend. Dr. Jabez Campfield was born in Newark, graduated from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton), and studied medicine before moving to Morristown with his new bride in 1765. In 1777, he joined the Continental Army as surgeon to Spencer’s Additional Continental Regiment. He inoculated soldiers against smallpox, served at Brandywine, Germantown, Valley Forge, in Sullivan’s campaign, and the Battle of Springfield. In 1781, he was appointed surgeon to the 2nd continental Light Dragoons. After the war, he devoted himself to public service and training young doctors. He was an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey. His home at 5 Olyphant Place in Morristown is maintained by the Morristown Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution and the house museum is open to visitors. Dr. Campfield died in Morristown on May 20, 1821 and was buried in the church yard of the Presbyterian Church in Morristown; his final resting place is unmarked. The DAR has obtained a historic Veteran’s Grave Marker for this significant Revolutionary soldier, local civic leader and surgeon. He was an active member of this church and it’s Building Committee which was instrumental in erecting its second edifice in the 1790s. Dr. Campfield was an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati, formed by George Washington and his officers of the Continental Army. Representatives from this hereditary patriotic organization will assist in hosting this event. Members of two of the military units Dr. Campfield served in
will also participate in this ceremony; Spencer’s Additional Continental Regiment and the Second Continental Dragoons will each honor their fallen soldier in the traditional manner of the time. Additionally, the New Jersey Fifes and Drums will play a selection of 18th century music during the ceremony to authentically recreate the experience of field musicians during the American Revolution. The general public is encouraged to attend and participate in celebrating this important historic local patriot. Please join us on Sunday, May 28, 2023 at 1:30 PM in the burying yard at The Presbyterian Church in Morristown, 57 Park Place.
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