Mendham Rocks at Mendham Township Library
On Thursday, May 23rd, at 7pm, the Mendham Township Library will host Mendham Rocks with Mendham Arts Council member Ginny Pados Beutnagel.
Come out and celebrate Mendham’s 275 anniversary with Mendham Arts Council member Ginny Pados Beutnagel as she invites adults to take part in the Mendham Rocks project. Join Ginny in painting rocks with positive sayings, designs, or funny messages to share or keep. The goal for this towns-wide project is to create 275 stones by the 4th of July! Be a part of Mendham Rocks for 275 years!
This program will be held in the Brookside Community Church’s Scialla Hall at 8 East Main Street in Brookside, NJ.
FREE! Space is Limited! To register visit www.mendhamtwplib.org.