In Her Hands: Female Philanthropy in Morristown, 1813 – 1875
Join MHHM in the Schoolroom Gallery for a lecture with Macculloch Hall Historical Museum’s Senior Museum Researcher and Interpreter, Cynthia Winslow.
Throughout the 1800s, the women of Morristown including the Vails, Condicts, Fords, and Maccullochs, met in their homes and churches where they reported on the needs of the elderly, widows with families, and the sick. With a shared purpose, these women contributed to the prosperity of their community and helped to make Morristown what it is today. Even without the right to vote, they established an organization, the Female Charitable Society of Morristown, with a constitution, elected officers, annual reports, and a board of managers to raise the funds required to care for those in need.
Who were these women? What did they collectively accomplish in 100 years of service? Come hear new research about the Female Charitable Society in Morristown, which will address these questions while discussing how philanthropy, particularly women’s charitable organizations, found a place in the new republic.