Red Mill Museum Village

56 Main Street, Clinton, NJ, USA

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Listing Overview

Five community-minded men, known affectionately as the Red Mill Five, acted with vision and courage when they bought the derelict Red Mill to restore as a museum. Monroe DeMott was president of Shive, Wright and Exton, a real estate and insurance firm; Cyrus Fox owned Cyrus R. Fox, Inc. lumberyard; Ralph Howard was a restaurateur who owned and ran Clinton House; Robert Lechner was a teacher who founded and ran a camp in Stanton; and James Marsh was a well known artist and musician.

In 1964, James Marsh bought the Mulligan Quarry and donated it to the museum. The museum and grounds were officially dedicated in 1965. By 1972 the Red Mill Five were ready to pass the baton, and other community members stepped forward to continue their mission to protect the Mill, its collections and our local heritage. The museum grew and, over the years, became known as the Hunterdon Historical Museum in 1996 and, in 2002, became the Red Mill Museum Village.

56 Main Street, Clinton, NJ, USA
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