Madison Montessori School

19 Green Ave, Madison, NJ 07940

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Listing Overview

Madison Montessori School, founded in 1981, is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit educational institution.  

The school offers a non-graded educational program for children two and one-half to six years of age. The school is independent, non-sectarian, and does not discriminate based on race, creed, or ethnic origin.

Madison Montessori is a full member of The American Montessori Society.  We uphold the standards of trained Montessori Guides, multi-age classrooms, use of specially designed Montessori learning materials, child-directed work, and uninterrupted work periods.

We guide and support children as they take their first steps as students.  This is their beginning- a time of discovery and wonder- a precious time of amazing growth and development. 

19 Green Ave, Madison, NJ 07940
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