Haven Savings Bank

177 Main Street, Madison, NJ 07940

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Listing Overview

The bank was originally founded in Hoboken, New Jersey, in 1938 as the Haven Building & Loan Association. As the country and the state continued to emerge from the grips of the Great Depression, there became an increasing need for local, community-minded financial institutions to serve the needs of their neighboring communities. That was how Haven Savings Bank began, and that mission still rings true today.

Our commitment to our customers, communities, and employees is based on a foundation of trust and respect. We know that investing in our friends, neighbors, and fellow business owners is the strongest path toward continued growth. One of our guiding principles is that providing superior customer service at every level of the organization earns the loyalty of those we do business with every day. In addition, we are always ready to invest our time, energy, and talent to assist local charities, organizations, and civic groups.

Today, Haven Savings Bank continues its proud tradition of embracing growth through sound banking philosophies and has nine branch locations across northern and central New Jersey with total assets of almost $1 billion.

177 Main Street, Madison, NJ 07940


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