Listing Overview is a leading importer of specialties from Germany and throughout Europe, providing items that are hard to find at local markets and available to consumers who seek the foods they enjoy while living and traveling in Europe.
Under Nelson’s ownership, will now be the largest importer of Lebkuchen Schmidt in the United States. In addition, the online retailer will offer traditional holiday specialties from Asbach Uralt Brandy Chocolates, Reber Chocolate Specialties, Niederegger, and Underberg from Germany. They also feature delicacies from Italy, Denmark, Scotland, the United Kingdom, and France and selected specialty items from the United States.
Terri Nelson has more than 25 years in the gourmet food and specialty liquor business. Prior to and, Nelson worked side-by-side with her husband, Peter Nelson, at Niche Import Co., which he founded in 1992, managing the specialty food business. She is also the proprietor of Phoenix Wine and Spirits, an importer of specialty wines and spirits. Nelson lives in Madison, NJ, and when not working, enjoys spending time with her six-year-old granddaughter, Lucy, and spending time at the beach.