Awakened Films

324 Main St, Madison, NJ 07940

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Listing Overview

At Awakened Films, we believe stories to be pivotal. Storytelling is what separates cliche marketing from meaningful interactions. Our video marketing services go beyond just operating a camera or computer. We help each client craft their unique story in creative and powerful ways, reaching their target audience with efficacy. Looking for a small video or photo studio in Northern New Jersey, stop by our new space for a tour, and we'll buy you a coffee or beer!

Our team of creatives listens, creates, and executes with care, keeping the big picture in mind while paying attention to every detail. Our clients feel heard and supported through every step of production. The result is a piece that is unique to your brand or business, with a voice that cuts through the noise.

324 Main St, Madison, NJ 07940
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Member since 2 years ago
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