Swingin’ Tern Contra Dancing Afternoon Session
Contra dancing led by Alex Deis-Lauby, with live music by Grand Picnic.
Note: This event is one part of a double dance: the afternoon session features dances for experienced dancers, while the evening session is for all levels of dancers. Separate admission tickets for each half.
Alex Deis-Lauby began contra dancing in 2011 while at school in Chicago. After catching the contra bug, she began calling in 2014. Alex’s smooth voice, clear teaching style, and engaging dance selections delight dancers from coast to coast. When she’s not calling, you can find her on the dance floor twirling away! Alex will be calling this advanced afternoon contras session.
Grand Picnic first graced Swingin’ Tern’s stage in 1989 and has been serving up a musical feast of high-energy contras ever since. This dance will feature the original lineup as shown in the boy band picture above, with Michael Gorin on fiddle, Bill Peek on piano, Marco Brehm on bass, Sam Zygmuntowicz on fiddle, and Jody Kruskal on Anglo concertina.
- This dance is structured for experienced dancers. Beginners are welcome to attend the general dance on the same evening.
- We once again welcome contributions of home-baked [or not] goodies to share at the break.
- Please bring your own water bottle with your name on it. The kitchen sink can fill water bottles.
- All dances at Swingin’ Tern are called to the gender-neutral terms Larks & Robins.
The Folk Project is New Jersey’s leading acoustic music and dance organization and has been showcasing acoustic and traditional music in North Jersey for over 45 years.
Funding has been made possible partly by Morris Arts funds through the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts.