Directed by Brian B. Crowe
Spurred on by supernatural solicitings, a noble general and his wife embark on a bloody journey to gain the crown. Their ruthless quest for power rocks a war-torn nation as ambition grows to devastating madness in this epic tragedy which has not been presented as part of STNJ’s season in two decades. Don’t miss Shakespeare’s electrifying and thrilling cautionary tale.
When: October 16 – November 17
The first available show will take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday, October 16th, with an approximate runtime of 2 hours.
Can’t make it? Access the official website link at the bottom of the page for all show listings with other precise times and locations!
Where: This event will take place at the F.M. Kirby Shakespeare Theatre, located at 36 Madison Avenue Madison, NJ 07940.
Price: Ticket prices range from $15-$75.