Honoring Military Heroes on Veterans' Day graphic

Honoring Military Heroes on Veterans’ Day

Honoring Military Heroes on Veterans’ Day, November 11, 2024 (Morristown & Morris Township)

The Memorial and Veterans Day Association of Morristown and Morris Township will honor military heroes this Veterans’ Day. The ceremony in Morris Township will take place at the Township’s Veteran’s Monument/Patric Hyland Memorial. The memorial sits at 50 Woodland Avenue in front of the Township Municipal Building.

Ceremony Features Hometown Heroes Banners

A key part of the ceremony will be reading the names of veterans commemorated on the Hometown Heroes Banners. These banners honor local veterans and their service to America. In 2023, this annual display was launched by three regional organizations—American Legion Post 59, the Daughters of the American Revolution, Morristown Chapter, and Morris Township. The banners will hang in greater numbers around various locations, including the Township Municipal Building and Ginty Field. For more information, visit the official Morris Township website to apply for a banner.

Town Ceremony in Morristown

Following the Morris Township ceremony, members of the American Legion Post 59 and the Daughters of the American Revolution will head to the Green in Morristown. The Association’s town portion of the ceremony will begin at 11 AM, featuring the reading of the Mo-Town Heroes banners. The new Mo-Town Heroes Banner Program, launched by Morristown, now also has the support of the Morristown Rotary Club and the Morristown Partnership.

Show Your Support and Celebrate Local Heroes

This year, the Honoring Military Heroes on Veterans’ Day banners will hang along South Street near the Green in Morristown. Representatives from five organizations will read The names of veterans during the town ceremony. To apply for a banner, visit the official website. Help honor our local heroes by attending the ceremony or applying for a banner. Celebrate Veterans’ Day by supporting those who served our country.

Get More Information Here


Nov 11 2024


10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Morris Township Municipal Building
50 Woodland Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07960


Hometown Heroes | Morris Township
Hometown Heroes | Morris Township

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