Canal Day Music & Craft Festival
Canal Day Music & Craft Festival
The Canal Day Music & Craft festival is an old time country fair that celebrates the Morris Canal and its contributions to the development of the communities along its banks. Step back in time and visit our newly restored Morris Canal Lock 2 East and tender’s house. Learn what it was like to be a canal boat captain by traveling on a free narrated boat tour provided by the Canal Society of New Jersey, or strike out on your own with a free kayak ride. Learn the art of blacksmithing. Learn about the Civil War, and the weapons they used with a period firearm demonstration. Learn about local and exotic animals during our free animal show. Take a horse drawn hayride along the canal. Enjoy listening to ten bands, performing on two stages. Shop over 100 fine art & craft vendors, eat great food, and end the night with a fantastic fireworks display.
For more information, visit canalday.org and view our video