Listing Overview
St. Peter's Church was founded on January 1, 1827, as the Episcopal church for the growing community in Morristown. Its first services were held in the home of George Macculloch – a prominent town member and builder of the Morris Canal whose mansion stands near the church. The parent Anglican and Episcopal congregation had existed in the area and called itself St. Peter's since the 1760s, but with the anti-Church of England sentiments during and following the Revolutionary war, St. Peter's, like other Episcopal congregations, did not recover and become mainstream until well into the 1820s.
During the past 100 years, St. Peter's has been the recipient of many beautiful gifts that enhance the magnificent Gothic-styled structure. As you enter from the narthex, you will immediately become aware of the English stained glass windows done in the manner of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and the nineteenth-century Tiffany window in the chapel. These are covered in a separate section following the brief descriptions of other features that enrich both the service of worship and the building.