Popsical School of Performance

25 Cook Ave, Madison, NJ 07940

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About Popsical School of Performance
A music school that focuses on the diversity of music and playing styles through a solid foundation of music theory and performance. What is American music today? When you turn on public radio, there is a channel for top-40, another for country music, another for hip-hop, another for Latino music, ethnic/world music, classic oldies, classic rock, jazz, avant-garde, and finally, classical music! As international travelers, Bien-Mar and I know that this diverse blend is unique to the United States of America.
Unlike our local competitors, we don't pretend that everyone listens to symphonic band or orchestra music all the time or that every child wants to be the next American Idol! We have learned to celebrate our country's music for what makes it diverse and also for what makes it all one and the same, and we would like to share this awareness and education with you and your community! 
Popsical School of Performance was founded by truth-seeking musicians for people searching for their voice and form of expression. Bien-Mar Minosa started out playing the organ, became a classical rock guitar player, and is now on his path as a teacher. Monica Garcia-Medina was a flute player, became an opera singer, and is now searching for her sound as a pop performer.
We are all searching and finding together or alone in the practice room! So if you just believe in trying and searching with music, join our team, or pick up an instrument, and let us help YOU search for your, your friend's, or your child's sound TODAY!
25 Cook Ave, Madison, NJ 07940
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