NJ Audubon Scherman Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary

11 Hardscrabble Road Bernardsville, NJ

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Listing Overview

NJ Audubon believes in Nature for All – that every person has the fundamental right to safe, welcoming, and positive experiences in nature, free of violence, threat, harassment, or harm. Behaviors that threaten these principles will never be tolerated within our organization. Nature is our sanctuary, where we turn for comfort and serenity. New Jersey Audubon will continue working tirelessly to ensure that our workplaces, programs, and natural spaces are safe and welcoming for all.

New Jersey Audubon is committed to connecting all people with nature and stewarding the nature of today for all people of tomorrow.

We will build and integrate our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice into our vision and mission, as well as our conservation priorities and organizational structure.

By celebrating New Jersey’s diversity as a strength and affirming everyone has a right to enjoy and conserve nature, we are able to carry out our work with mindfulness and inclusivity.   Through reaching out beyond our centers to connect all people with nature where they live, work, and play, we endeavor to promote a greater understanding and respect for diversity and nature in all whose lives we touch.


11 Hardscrabble Road Bernardsville, NJ
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Member since 2 years ago
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