Seward Johnson
On Wednesday, October 18th at 7pm the Mendham Township Library will host Lynn DeClemente Losavio, Program Officer of the Seward Johnson Atelier, as she explores the life and works of New Jersey artist, Seward Johnson.
Join Lynn DeClemente Losavio, Program Officer of the Seward Johnson Atelier, for a conversation about New Jersey artist Seward Johnson. Explore his vision, innovative spirit and how his legacy continues through the collaboration and discovery of the Atelier.
Seward Johnson, founder of Grounds For Sculpture and the artist behind the new exhibit at Willowwood Arboretum titled The Living Sculpture, devoted his artistic career to crafting sculptures of people pursuing ordinary day to day activities. He hoped visitors would experience joy by discovering his lifelike sculptures placed unexpectedly, yet harmoniously in the landscape. The Living Sculpture: A Seward Johnson exhibit is on view now at the Willowwood Arboretum through November 15, 2023
The Johnson Atelier expands the capacity of artists through immersive making and creative collaboration – producing and preserving works of art and design and creating cultural experiences to enrich communities and inspire engagement.
This presentation will be held in the Anderson Wing, Brookside Community Church, behind 6 East Main Street.
FREE! To register visit www.mendhamtwplib.org.