Visions of the Near East
Visions of the Near East is a dynamic travelogue of dance through the lands of North Africa and the Middle East performed by Mosaic Dance Theater Company (MDTC).
A cast of 6 talented performers, faithful to ethnic dance traditions, will dazzle you with choreography and lavish costuming from countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon.
MDTC is an award-winning group founded in 2003, known for its artistry and authenticity. It is dedicated to the dance and folkloric traditions of the Mediterranean—North Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Europe—and creates dance, theater, and educational programs that celebrate the rich diversity of cultures of this region.
Find out more about them at www.mosaicdancetheaterco.org
General Admission $25 / RAA Members $20 / Students $15
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