Swingin’ Tern Contra Dances
Contra dancing to live band and caller.
Caller: Ridge Kennedy
Something old, something new
A dance that is chunky,
Then one that is smooth
Another one, funky
Most are in lines,
but sometimes a square
or circles, or triplets
or even in pairs
New dancers, we welcome
I’ll teach you your part
Long timers, surprises
We’ll spring from the start
(If not a surprise
then perhaps something rare?
A treasure forgotten,
brought out for fresh air?)
Our goal: To delight you
Just give us a chance
Put on your best smile
and come to the dance
Band: The Contra Rebels, fronted by the twin fiddles of musical and personal partners Todd Clewell and Barb Schmid, joined by the rhythm guitar of Henry Koretzky and the bass of Aaron Blouin. The Contra Rebels have played for dances as far afield as Tennessee, Georgia, Oregon, and Washington State and have a recording called Down the River.
- Beginners are welcome. A beginners’ workshop will start at 7:00 to orient you and get you started.
- We once again welcome contributions of home-baked [or not] goodies to share at the break.
- Please bring your own water bottle with your name on it. The kitchen sink can fill water bottles.
- All dances at Swingin’ Tern are called to the gender-neutral terms Larks & Robins.
The Folk Project is New Jersey’s leading acoustic music and dance organization and has been showcasing acoustic and traditional music in North Jersey for over 45 years.
Morris Arts funds, through the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, partly made funding possible.